if this game was on DS it cold be AWSOME
if this game was on DS it cold be AWSOME
i can play this on wii
ill play this game when im in grade 5
me too nanerules
i also love the renfrences
my level code
&noci0xff0000nl-21.9178082191781nl-17 .1232876712329nl-108nl155.45454545454 5%dnenoci&drowJGXGPilynpfyk{qw"uwemil ynpfykilynpfykK"FQP)V"PGGFilynpfyk[QW T"NCDGNUilynpfykyjcv"pqyA%dnedrow&rah c1nl8nl21nl104nl1%dnerahc&ofnicpqp{oq wuilynpfyknqn%dneofni
its beezleboss
got any hints
i cant get past that part where your talking to chuck norris
frendly fire?
what do think this is left for dead?! witch spams frendly fire in other words the ai sucks
head (copy and paste) aka my level
1%u0100%u0101%u0102%u0103%u0104%u0105 %u0106%u0107%u0108%u0109%u010A%u010B%
u010C%u010C2%u010F2%u010724%u0114%u01 0F%u0105%u0110%u01134%u0111%u0104%u01 16%u0119%u011B%u0103%u0118%u0115%u011 7%u0114%u0115%u011F%u0102%u0119%u0124 43%u010361%u0129%u0114%u012B%u0120%u0 118%u0116%u010D%u0135%u0136%u0107
note: I first shared my account with my younger brother but I got banned too much and allot of people started going troll crazy. so i basicly took my account back. if you see anything that seems mine crafty or first person shooting. its was my sibling.
Age 38, Male
Working/playin games
Joined on 9/21/04