very good tip
max out your fist just in case.
very good tip
max out your fist just in case.
this one's inpossibole
1#cino,465.20,161.15|cie,289.20,308.5 0|cie,311.00,307.10|cie,339.65,309.90 |cie,375.15,303.00|cine,417.45,300.25 |cin,454.25,274.05|cin,461.10,243.75|
cin,459.70,205.20|cio,392.90,155.60|c io,428.35,159.75|cio,338.30,165.25|ci o,276.90,170.75|ciso,238.70,176.30|ci se,229.45,280.60|cis,208.70,192.80|ci s,204.65,221.65|cis,212.85,250.45|l,3 27.40,221.75|rhe2,384.70,366.35|rhe1,
575.70,340.20|mc,579.85,309.75|rvd,49 6.60,147.20|rvd,496.55,319.50|rhe2,49 1.10,33.05|rhe2,491.10,431.10|cie,257 .80,301.60|cine,192.35,283.70|cine,20 6.00,304.35|
i made a
doom marine holding a BFG 9000 and a chain gun
richstick - 10,000 coins
cosmittack - infinite bullets
actionescape - infinite fire cells
doomsday - inifinite rockets (WOOT)
spazattack - all weapons
rawrboom - infinite rage
this terns the word fart-knocker in to fart-knock out. lol
more bugie crap
on (i think) level 2 I found the bird guy and when the game showed me him i got hit the game did not frese i did untill i died . P.S.does the game even save at all cuz it dosent.
diablo II zombie sound
if you wana know
GOOD GAME but.....
did you use microsoft sam for the voises
i can't reload
oh shit!
the game was good but can't you add more guns and unlimted ammo for the pistol cuz i need to take out the gards and i have no ammo.
note: I first shared my account with my younger brother but I got banned too much and allot of people started going troll crazy. so i basicly took my account back. if you see anything that seems mine crafty or first person shooting. its was my sibling.
Age 38, Male
Working/playin games
Joined on 9/21/04